The Influencer Marketing is Deeply Influencing Our Days and Lives

Recently, I fell in love with watching videos of eating competitions. Especially, there is a unique Japanese TV show, in which will invite eating influencers, the girls who can eat way more than normal people, and some movies stars or famous hosts to eat an extremely large portion of foods at local great restaurants as the daily challenge. The TV show certainly helped those restaurants gain the fame. These girls are perfectly contented with eating the delicious and it seems like they can eat as much as they want, which make me feel happy and have a desire to try out that food as well. After shown on the program, every restaurant will accept increasing customers after presenting their best dish in the largest portion to challenge those eaters. At this program, the movies or the famous hosts are not the focus. People are more willing to see those girls eating a large portion of food with happiness. And these girls individually have a lot of followers on their own social media platforms. In this case, it is a brilliant idea to use influencers promoting the restaurants and their foods.

Amirah Bey, a digital marketing specialist in Business Wire, writes an article about how the influencers helped the brands do their marketing. Following this link, you can see her opinion about how “The Brands Killing it in Influencer Marketing This Year”.

The article isn’t long but it was written with great ideas and precise analysis into the point. In her article, Amirah Bey talked about four brands that hold successful campaigns with influencers. They are Tarte Cosmetics, Axe, Fashion Nova and Glossier. These four brands all have different tactics but with the same strategy, that is using influencers to attract more attention from the public. Bey did a great job explaining each brand and its special campaign. Like Tarte was holding a big party and invited powerful influencers like Tammy Hembrow, who has more than 6.5 million Instagram followers, as well as other influencers to cause a sensation.


The video about the Tarte campaign have more than 1 million viewers 
Amirah Bey talked about the real stactics that shows how the influencers influence the marketing


But in the same time, Glossier had a cooperation with a young influencer Cecilia Gorgon, who is a university student and has about 8,500 followers. This down-to-the-earth representative makes people feel much closer to the brand, and also they put more trust into the person as well as the brand.


Cecilia Gorgon shows how she use Glossier as her daily make up


Amirah Bey writes her article with great thoughts and there is also a fine video in her article to show as a beautiful and attractive opening. She listed four brands but each with an own special campaign and favorable result.
What I think she can do more is to add some deep analysis after presenting each campaign, and explore more for a prediction or an outlook of the influencer marketing in the future.
In my own opinion, the influencer marketing is meant to become a trend for the future marketing. The online celebrities are closer to the public. People naturally trust them with the daily look and personal lifestyle they have. Therefore, their referential kits are more acceptable to the audience than the stars on the TV shows. In the same time, influencers rely on the Internet, it’s also their strength because there won’t be the second place can spread the information faster than the internet. However, as the influencer marketing growing, there will be several problems come out with it. For example, since the low standard of being an influencer, there must have more and more online celebrities showing up. At that time, the content should become more important again. Also, the personality of the influencers should be reliable. Because influencers are individuals, they don’t have many rules to obey in their lives like a real star who have a contract with the company. Thus, they could do something accidentally and may cause the dislike of the public. Then, the brands associated with this kind of influencers will be affected as well.

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